Happy 1/2 Birthday my sweet little Stella!
How time flies when you are having fun, my little love. And we are having SO MUCH FUN!

You are an absolute delight. You smile and laugh and play all day long. You’ve recently discovered a joy for swinging at the park. However, nothing lights up your face like your kitty, Gizmo. You will happily chase him around all day long.

When we go out you become this quiet little observer, just like your mama. You love to watch everything happening around you, but are slow to warm up to new faces. I’m not complaining, best to be cautious around strangers anyways.
You’ve taught me more than I ever thought possible in these six short months:
- Becoming a SAHM is a huge adjustment in pace of life. You’ve taught me to slow down and enjoy simple pleasures. I truly love our quiet, snuggly mornings, afternoon naps and leisurely walks along the lake.
- Learning to go with the flow and not to stress about it has been another adjustment. You babies are quite unpredictable to say the least. This schedule loving mama has learned to be sooo much more flexible.
- Most importantly, you’ve taught mama to love FEARLESSLY. I will always protect and stand up for US. No more people pleasing and letting others walk all over me.

I will forever be grateful you chose me and daddy to be your parents. We love you to the moon and back baby girl. May the next 6 months be as wonder filled as these last 6 <3