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Today I am here to share the diaper bag essentials for newborns to three months ages (aka the fourth trimester)!

I like to keep it as minimal and as light as possible because we like to get out and about a lot and I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want to lug around a heavy bag (the baby is heavy enough, am I right?). Anyways, that’s why I’ve titled this article the diaper bag essentials for the newborn stage. There are no heavy extras to be found listed here!
Step one of packing the perfect newborn baby bag involves finding a functional diaper bag with a lot of pockets!
First, you need a good quality diaper bag! I like the diaper bag backpacks for their comfort and to prevent any one-sided back problems. I personally have two as one is a little feminine and one is more unisex (and preferred by my husband). Both fit everything we need with a little room to spare!
(Click the image to find it on Amazon)
In the pocket along the back of the bag I store a reusable changing pad, ~5 or 6 diapers, a package of wipes and biodegradable diaper disposal bags. These little bags are great for when you find yourself without a garbage can around. I try not to use them often but in a crunch sometimes they are needed! They also can be used to store any clothes you change baby out of, so they don’t dirty the inside of your bag… Blowouts are inevitable, my friends.
(Click the image to find it on Amazon)
In the body of the bag I have one muslin multi purpose blanket, our baby k’tan carrier, a change of clothes for myself, and a nursing cover. I love to carry the k’tan with us because when baby S is a bit fussy or resisting a nap I can easily calm her in it and get her to sleep. You can also nurse in it, and let me tell you, hands free nursing is super convenient!
(Click the image to find it on Amazon)
In the accessory pockets of our diaper bag you will find hand sanitizer, a pacifier, a water bottle, and a change of clothes for baby S. Why is it babies love to spit up or blow out when you are on the go?! This is why it’s important to have extra clothes for both baby and you!
Don’t forget these newborn diaper bag essentials if they apply to you!
I am exclusively nursing so I personally don’t pack formula/bottles/breast pumps, but of course you would add these items if you need them!
A little parting advice:
My last piece of advice for you moms (and dads!) is to empty and restock your diaper bag when you get home. It only takes 2 minutes and will be such a relief to have ready to go when you are inevitably trying to rush out the door!
The newborn diaper bag checklist, as promised.

Download my handy diaper bag essentials checklist pdf here! (Direct download).
Tell me friends, what are your diaper bag must haves? Drop me a comment below!
This is a great blog post for new mothers. To add to the list, I also had Nappy Cream & Foldable storage bags as part of the essential list when my kids were younger.
Love reading what’s in my bag type of posts. I don’t put my wrap in my bag because I think it’s too bulky, but it’s always in my car(: but definitely move to have a large diaper bag.
This is great! I’ll definently be sharing this with my expecting friends. Thanks, for sharing!
I like keeping things very simple. New mums would need to read this.
Great tips. We pretty much carried the same stuff with us.
The checklist is a great idea!