Natural Baby Stain Remover

The Easiest DIY Natural Baby Stain Remover Ever (Using 4 Basic Ingredients)

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So you are looking for the best baby stain remover to save your baby’s precious clothes? You are in the right place!

How I wish I knew this simple trick sooner in my parenting journey. A natural baby stain remover that is almost magical.

I threw out so many adorable outfits because I thought they were ruined. From baby poop to spit up and their messy start to eating solids, there are a ton of stains in parenting.

But did you catch the key word? Thought. I thought they were ruined, when in fact, they were totally salvageable.

Let me save you from the same fate with this easy natural baby stain remover! You probably even have all the ingredients at home!

DIY baby stain remover ingredients:

You only need 3 simple household ingredients and access to sunshine for this magical solution to those pesky baby stains.

The ingredients you need?

  • dish soap
  • white vinegar
  • laundry detergent
  • an outdoor clothesline or window that gets sun exposure

What did I say? 4 simple ingredients…. and you probably already have them on hand!

How do you get stains out of baby clothes naturally?

EASY DIY STAIN REMOVER: the best natural stain remover
Removing a citrus stain

If you just KNOW that pretty little dress or adorable onesie is going to be stained… take the clothing item and rub dish soap into the stain. Soak it in a sink of cool water with a generous cap or 1/8th of a cup of white vinegar for around half an hour. Launder as you would regularly and then hang to dry in the sun. Voila! Simple and easy and hasn’t failed me yet.

How do you get out yellow baby poop stains?

Oh, I know. These are some of the worst, not to mention the nastiest to clean. But fear not, you can easily remove them!

Here’s how to easily remove yellow baby poop stains:

  • Dump any remaining poop into the toilet
  • Rinse the item of clothing well
  • Apply dish soap generously to the stained area
  • Soak the garment in cool water with one cap of white vinegar (~30 minutes)
  • Launder as you would regularly
  • Hang to dry in the sun for 1 day (may need to flip and do a second day for stubborn stains)

If the precious piece of clothing comes out with a faint yellow stain… fear not! Put it in the sun for a day, and it will be magically gone!

Ok, now you are wondering, does the sun actually remove stains?

The Best Natural Stain Remover


This photo is a citrus stain I didn’t catch. Threw it in the laundry and out it came looking like the left side. I set it in our 2nd floor window for a day and just look at the after! No stain. It’s like magic!

You don’t even have to put the clothes outside. As I mentioned above, I hang ours in a window of our second floor condo, and it still works like a charm.

Here’s another sunshine save too:

Best Baby Stain Remover

If you look closely you can see yellow stains throughout this shirt, from the neckline all the way down. Again, one day in the sunshine, and completely gone! My daughter’s favorite flamingo shirt looks new again.

You can always try sunshine on set stains too – it’s removed a bunch for me, but it’s not fail proof by itself.

I hope you see that you don’t need harsh chemicals to do your baby’s laundry. This is the best baby stain remover I’ve come across, and it’s super easy to make yourself!

A few tips for avoiding stains in the first place…

Don’t be afraid to try different brands of diapers! My daughter was very tall and thin. It took us multiple brands to find one that sealed best around her legs. Before switching, we were having blow outs left and right. With a properly fitting diaper, these were minimal, and I didn’t have as much laundry to do. Win-win!

Use a good bib. Meal times are messy for their first years… If they are wearing clothing you don’t want stained – use a bib. It helps a ton. We love the bibs with catchers at the bottom. This protects her pants too.

A lot of parents swear by these wearable bibs too. They definitely protect the clothes better than a traditional bib.

Recap of the best baby stain remover

Try this easy DIY stain remover. Apply dish soap generously to the stained fabric. Soak in cool water for half an hour with a generous cap of white vinegar. Launder as you would regularly and then hang to dry in the sunshine (indoors or outdoors – you just need sun exposure!). Voilà!

Happy stain removing!


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