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Are you interested in presets?
I can totally see why.
They have the power to completely transform your photos in 1-click!
It’s magical. Today, I want to let you in on a small company that makes the best Lightroom presets for moms.

As a blogger and someone with a genuine interest in photography (10 years and counting), I have spent many an hour editing my photos. As a new mom, I don’t have time to edit all day and presets save me the hassle! I love that you can completely alter the feel of your pics in just 1 click.
Spoiler alert:
My favorites by far all come from My Darling Presets. You can check out their Etsy shop by clicking here.
Use the code MDP30 for 30% off your purchase and be sure to mention “Kinzy” sent you in the notes!
Check out the FREEBIE alert section below to get your FREE My Darling Presets Preset!
What is a mobile Lightroom preset anyways?
It’s a selection of settings that you use to adjust your picture to give it a different vibe. Perhaps you want to brighten up your photos or give them a dreamy feel. Maybe you want a beachy feel or bolder colors. The options are endless with presets!
How do Lightroom mobile presets work?
Let’s walk through a quick how to:
Mini tutorial: how to use Lightroom mobile presets
First you need the free Lightroom mobile app installed on your phone. You also need to save your preset to files.

Next, you will open the app, click the blue button pictured above (screen 1) and select the preset file from files (screen 2). This will import it into Lightroom on your phone (see screen 3).

Next, inside the app you can open the image file you just imported by clicking on it. In the top right corner you will see three dots inside a circle. Click that (screen 1 above) and select create preset (screen 2). Give your preset a name (screen 3).

Once you have your preset saved you import the photo or photos you want to edit (by clicking the plus photo button in the bottom right of the screen, this time selecting from camera roll. One the photo is imported (screen 1 above), select the photo, scroll horizontally over to presets (screen 2), select your preset (screen 3), hit the checkmark in the bottom right corner and ta-da! You have an edited photo.

The last step is to click the arrowin the square (screen 1 above) to export it to your camera roll. Now you can admire your handiwork.
After you do this once or twice it literally takes 30 seconds to transform your photos!
For the more advanced user, you can then adjust settings manually if you find your preset did a good job but you still want to tone down the brightness or saturation, etc. I rarely ever touch these adjustments as the My Darling Presets are so good.
Why are these presets perfect for moms?
It’s hard enough for us mamas to get our toddlers/children to cooperate to take a photo, am I right?
I certainly don’t have to time to then spend hours editing them all. Using presets is an epic mama time saver – and if you’ve spent any time around this blog, you know I’m all about saving moms time and making their lives easier!
Speaking of which, have you seen my Ultimate Productive Moms Printable bundle? Grab your copy while it’s available right here:
Presets & Instagram
Have you ever wondered how your favorite mom bloggers and influencers have these beautiful, cohesive grids on Instagram?
Their photos all have the same tones because of presets! Not because they are necessarily pro photographers (most aren’t).

Let’s use my grid as an example. At the time of writing this and taking the photo below, my entire grid is the preset Kiwi by My Darling Presets (MDP). It is my personal favorite! (MDP30 saves you 30%, mention Kinzy sent you in the notes).
These are amazing Instagram blogger presets!
Why My Darling Presets?
If you start googling presets you will find there are thousands upon thousands of options. I fell in love with MDP because
- I love to shop small
- I love to support moms
- Their customer service is top-notch.
I mean, I couldn’t decide between a few options the first time I was purchasing, and they walked me through it (even editing a couple photos) in Instagram DM’s! It was such a great experience I bought 3 bundles the first time. Don’t even ask me how many I own now 😛
FREEBIE alert:
My Darling Presets has a great FB group. You can join by clicking here and get access to a FREE preset!!
Try before you buy, mamas. I get it. That’s how I started using their presets too and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Let me take you through a few edits of photos of my toddler to show you the types of transformations that are possible in 1 click and why these are the best Lightroom presets for moms!

Paradise is perfect for brightening up darker or shadowy photos. It is my go-to preset for pictures of my daughter in our condo.
It comes in a set of 3 so you can apply whichever one works best with the tones of your original photo too.
Rep Bright Bundle

Bloggers and small shop owners, this one is for you.
It makes your product photos look professional in 1 click! These presets also work great if you want brighter photos of your kids too.

If your desire is dreamy, woodsy vibes… you need Jungle. It’s just gorgeous.

Bright Life
True to it’s name, this preset brightens and enhances beautiful colors! It adds a little warmth and is a perfect preset to add to your light & bright collection.
These are just my favorites, there are many more options to explore!
You can check out the MDP Etsy shop by clicking here.
Use the code MDP30 for 30% off your purchase and be sure to mention “Kinzy” sent you in the notes!
There we have it! Happy picture taking and please share this post via the share buttons with all your mom friends that might want to take their photos to the next level!
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I’ve been meaning to start experimenting with lightroom and presets, but just haven’t taken the time to do it yet. Thanks for the reminder and inspiration.
I have a few of My Darling Presets as well and love them! A good preset is so great at enhancing photos!
I’ve heard such great things about Lightroom! Presets aren’t really my thing but love seeing it used.
I love my presets so much!
This looks really cool, will have to try!
My mom loves to use lightroom to edit her photos and she is a professional photographer. So I know that it is a great tool to edit photos.
We use Lightroom to edit our pictures! This has been so helpful!
What a difference that makes! I love the color adjustment in these presets!